Partner Organizations
We are honored to be working with these notable community organizations. The Temple of Kwan Tai thrives on active, mutually beneficial collaborations with our partner organizations.
Please contact us if you or your organization is interested in working with us.
Community Foundation of Mendocino County
The Community Foundation of Mendocino County is a county-wide nonprofit organization that administers permanent charitable funds established through gifts and bequests from individuals, families, businesses, and other organizations. Our mission is to offer people effective ways to engage in advancing the well-being of our communities.
Locke Foundation
The mission of the Locke Foundation is to educate the public about Locke’s history and legacy. The foundation conducts the following activities:
• Identify and mandate areas of preservation
• Collect, record, and store artifacts and archival material
• Record and preserve oral histories
• Develop and provide interpretive services
• Provide docent-led tours of Locke
• Staff the Boarding House Visitor’s Center
• Maintain the Locke Memorial Park and Monument
• Organize annual and special events -
Chinese American Heritage Foundation
The Chinese American Heritage Foundation promotes the recognition, appreciation, and celebration of historical contributions made to the United States by citizens of Chinese heritage.
The Chinese American Heritage Foundation's mission is to make sure these precious stories are not lost through the weather of time, but are supplanted into our nation's rich history and preserved for future generations. -
California Preservation Foundation
The California Preservation Foundation provides statewide leadership, advocacy and education to ensure the protection of California’s diverse cultural heritage and historic places.
National Trust for Historic Preservation
For 70 years, the National Trust for Historic Preservation has led the movement to save America’s historic places. A privately funded nonprofit organization, we work to save America's historic sites; tell the full American story; build stronger communities; and invest in preservation's future.