Support the Temple of Kwan Tai

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Your tax-deductible donation will be used for the Temple’s continued preservation.

"We are committed to this project as descendants of one of the first Chinese families to settle in Mendocino. Our great grandfather helped construct the Temple of Kwan Tai. Our family was its sole caretaker until the property was transferred to the nonprofit corporation in 1993.

Growing up as children we were never taught the true history of the Chinese contribution to the town of Mendocino by the mainstream of society. Our personal history was handed down by oral history from our Chinese father."


With its restoration nearing completion, the Temple of Kwan Tai now enters a new phase as a living symbol of times past and of renewed commitment to education, community, and diversity. In 2001, Loretta Hee-McCoard and Lorraine Hee-Chorley were honored by the National Women's Political Caucus of Mendocino County for their efforts to restore and maintain the temple of their ancestors.

The Trustees of the Temple of Kwan Tai actively seek any information that others may have concerning Chinese who settled in Mendocino County during the Nineteenth Century. We invite the support of all who share the sentiments voiced by members of the Hee Family who established Temple of Kwan Tai as a non-profit agency devoted to the public good.

To instill pride and erase prejudice in future generations, we must educate them on all that ethnics contributed.

Hence, our Mission and goals are to:

  • Preserve and protect the historic structure named Temple of Kwan Tai

  • Educate the public about the history of the Chinese in Mendocino County

  • Be a resource center for all information on the Chinese in Mendocino County for the public and particularly for our schools and youth

  • Celebrate our community and diversity

Support the Temple of Kwan Tai
and our mission.

Your tax-deductible support of Temple of Kwan Tai will be used for continued preservation and for outreach and education. Inquiries and gifts may be mailed to:

Post Office Box 633, Mendocino, CA 95460

Contact: Lorraine Hee-Chorley

or: Wendy Roberts